I'm trying my best, but Lord help me - I just can NOT seem to get the hang of Snapchat. Aside from taking the occasional picture as a puppy dog or a dancing bunny rabbit, I have about as much finesse with the medium as I do with a chainsaw. (That is, none at all). I feel especially incapable when comparing my social networking skills to the likes of my teenage compatriots - who not only are capable of using it exclusively & un-selfconsciously as their primary mode of communication, but are well, good at it. Their timing, commentary & ability to take selfies & perform quirky Boomerang-augmented dance moves is masterful. I'm making myself sound old, when perhaps I'm just a slow learner...but either way it is not a tool in my toolbox.
Which is a long way of saying - I feel way behind the times. And instead of trying to play catch up - I've decided to embrace what I am good at. I'm going to focus my time & energy on old school, out-dated, practically extinct - SNAIL MAIL. That's right. I'm determined to give letter writing, package sending & envelope addressing the time and attention that I may otherwise devote to failing miserably at modern social media. Not only is it a great excuse to practice & showcase my calligraphy - it's a way for me to share my vintage stamp collection.
I have a beautiful collection of vintage stamps from my grandmother. I inherited my knack for collecting from her - and in addition to her many other collections (costume jewelry, Coca Cola memorabilia & anything Frank Sinatra) she had an array of old stamps that I was able to use as a jumping off point for my own collection. When Theo and I started planning our own wedding - he put his time and energy into managing how, when & where the wedding would take place - while I focused on the really important things - like curating a collection of vintage stamps that would compliment our wedding location & our invitations. (Our wedding planning may have been a bit unconventional).
Some of the stamps I collected for our wedding invitations - picked for their thematic relevance to our Cody, WY wedding.
Our wedding invitations.
Note the Buffalo Bill Cody & Wyoming stamps.
Since then, I have been asked many many times where I find my stamps - and I have one really good answer. ETSY. God bless Etsy.
Here are some of my favorite Etsy shops to buy vintage stamps: